HKIP 30th Anniversary Slogan Design Competition
A Slogan Design Competition was launched after the Logo Design Competition for members to exercise their talents.
The Competition closed in mid January 2009. A total of 10 entries has been received and there was also s active voting from some 70 members.
Winning slogan for the 30th Anniversary has been announced, congratulation to the winner Ms Flora Lai.
Three merit recognitions were also awarded to Ms Ng Mee Kam, Mr Roger Tang and Mr Wu Tao.
Please refer to the flyer (click to enlarge).

We wish to congratulate all winners. The prize presentation for both the logo and slogan competition will be held on the 26th March "Sharing Through Decades" Event as a kick-off event for the 30th anniversary celebrations.
We will also be launching the 30th Anniversary blog on the night. You are all invited to share in this happy moment with us.
HKIP 30th Anniversary Organising Committee
1 共歷規劃三十年同建綠色的明天
2 Planning Together for 30 Years Striving Together for Greener Future
3 30 year of Planning in Hong Kong with
Passion for people and Planet
4 用心與香港人-以熱忱、知識、創意規劃永續香港地
5 Planning for our people, our dream, our future;
Together we built an environment friendly city
6 規劃專業共創環保都市建設香港經歷三十寒暑
7 Planning together for a greener and brighter future, today.
8 三十而立, 立精立诚立信;硕果沁港, 沁众沁民沁意
9 匯三十載實踐展甲子歲規劃
10 Shamrock vision plan for generations
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