In echoing the world trend for low carbon economy, the Conference is organized to provide a platform for international stakeholders, including government bodies, academics, professionals and business sectors in Hong Kong, the Mainland and various countries to exchange ideas and share experiences on how to plan, design and build low carbon cities for much larger environmental benefits.
Date: 22nd – 23rd May 2009 (Day 1: Conference; Day 2: Eco-Tour)
Conference Venue: Noah's Resort, Ma Wan, Hong Kong
Eco-tour :
Eco-tour 1 (Volcanic Rock Tour – High Island Reservoir (East Dam))
Eco-tour 2 (Sedimentary Rock Tour – Ma Shi Chau Special Area)
Date: 22nd – 23rd May 2009 (Day 1: Conference; Day 2: Eco-Tour)
Conference Venue: Noah's Resort, Ma Wan, Hong Kong
Eco-tour :
Eco-tour 1 (Volcanic Rock Tour – High Island Reservoir (East Dam))
Eco-tour 2 (Sedimentary Rock Tour – Ma Shi Chau Special Area)
Registration Fees (HK$/RMB):
Day 1 Conference:
Early-bird $1,100 per participant
Standard $1,300 per participant
Day 2 Eco-Tour:
Early-bird $270 per participant
Standard $300 per participant
Details for registration are enclosed in the attached flyer. You may also wish to visit the conference website for updated information (http://www.hkip.org.hk/plcc). Should you be interested to enroll for this conference, please do not miss the deadline for "Early-bird Registration" for those who register and pay on or before 17 April, 2009 (Friday).
You may wish to download the flyer (http://www.hkip.org.hk/plcc/download/09Conference_A4_Pamphlet1.pdf) and registration form (http://www.hkip.org.hk/plcc/download/09Conference_A4_Registration.pdf).
For more information, you may visit the Conference Website (http://www.hkip.org.hk/plcc) and the Ma Wan Park Website (http://www.mawanpark.com/eng/home.php).
Thank you for your kind attention and we look forward to meeting you at the Conference!
If you have any questions about the conference, please feel free to contact Ms. Kate Kwan / Ms. Penn Leung, our conference secretariats at (852) 2372 0090/ email: kate@creativegp.com / penn@creativegp.com
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